作者:[标签:作者] 来源:[标签:出处] 加入时间:2007-11-27
This only works on Windows XP (maybe 2000). It sped my game up a lot.
When CM4 is running, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, choose the "Process" tab, right click on cm4.exe, and set priority to "above normal".
You probably shouldn’t go higher than that. The downside it that other applications will run slower. (not recommended if you run Winamp, Kazaa or Internet at the same time as CM4)
当cm4运行的时候,按Ctrl-Alt-Del,选择‘进程’按钮,在CM4.exe上点击鼠标右键,将优先级设置为’above normal’(正常上面那个,本人没有用过中文xp,所以不知道系统怎么翻译的),最好不要超过这个等级,不然会造成其他程序运行的缓慢,不建议同时运行winamp或者IE。”
另外自己做一个cm4.bat批处理文件里面输入“start /ABOVENORMAL cm4.exe”放在cm4的目录下,运行这个批处理文件可以省去每次修改进程的麻烦。