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·Windows 2000+SP4
软件名称: RealPlayer10下载
软件语言: 简体中文
软件类型: 工具软件 / 常用工具
运行环境: Win2003/WinXP/Win2000/NT/WinME/Win9X
授权方式: 免费版
软件大小: 9953
整理时间: 2004-12-6 1:11:52
联 系 人: 官方网站
下载次数: 本日:0 本 周:0 本月:0 总计:411
软件简介: RealPlayer 10是Real公司的最新媒体播放软件,也是用来对抗微软公司垄断地位的拳头武器,去年年末推出测试版后,今天Real 公司终于推出了正式版本。相信大家对这款软件一定不陌生,那赶快下载吧。 There a number of changes to the new Player, some obvious, such as the new look and feel, and some not so obvious, such as the improved performance to provide you with a faster, more reliable experience. Below are some of the highlights, but explore RealPlayer for yourself to discover even more. What's New in RealPlayer 10? The new music experience with Real Music Guide offers detailed artist information, recommendations, reviews, and "most popular" charts; drag and drop playlists for fast access to favorite music; and easily navigate selections using large, easy-access buttons. New Feature tabs, including the new Music & My Library page, make RealPlayer 10 easier to use than ever by keeping tasks, radio stations, and your music library close at hand. In addition a wealth of new feature have been added to My Library. New AutoPlaylists features help you create custom mixes faster. Compile selections for an AutoPlaylist by Keyword, clip information, or specific criteria, such as Last Played, length, and more. Portable Devices support (with Helix DNA technology built-in) gives you seamless support for 50+ portable devices in a variety of form factors, from cell phones to PDAs as well as traditional and newer MP3 players including iPod for Windows and Creative Zen with flexible synchronizing support. New Media Formats: RealPlayer includes new native support for the AAC format as well as the new RealAudio Lossless. Improved Message Center controls that allow you to better tailor the number and type of messages Real sends you. and more detail to refer HELP file. 优点: 为99美分(折合人民币8.20元左右)的音乐下载提供了丰富的多媒体播放器功能和全面独特的歌曲信息;支持多种音乐和视频格式;能够对实时流媒体进行暂停和录制;所购买的AAC格式的音乐其压缩率为192Kbps。 缺点: 反应迟缓;免费播放器的MP3最大压缩率只有96Kbps。 结论: 虽然RealNetworks公司音乐商店的内容非常丰富,歌曲的音质也都相当好,但是这款多媒体播放器最好的功能却还是能够兼容于其它在线音乐服务商所提供的大多数歌曲。

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